lingo of my inner voice

Sunday, April 10, 2005

am I ready? are you ready?

Today was a great day. I attended a seminar in IED Auditorium on the topic "Art of Self-Mastery and Power to Change" conducted by Hussain Jinnah, the man who has conducted various workshops and advance trainings in Canada and USA. He was trained by great authors like Stephen Covey, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. When such people come to 'Karachi', everyone should avail such opportunities. I went there and was completely amazed by the stuff that he has to offer. The core thing covered was: in order to change yourself, you have to change the mindset, paradigm, belief system(whateva you say it) from WITHIN which reflects in your physical component or the thing we call reality. It may sound cliche but it really works because of its hidden majestic and magical powers - "Nothing changes till you change" It was an enlightening experience and I will surely share these profound insights with all of you. Maybe I will start a new blog for the purpose of sharing knowledge on this particular topic or else will continue writing 'all the stuff' on this one blog.

PS: We(me and my college frnds) were supposed to meet and chill at Pizza Hut but like always, all plans collapsed at kinda 11th hour. No problemo! Changes can be good, they provide you other opportunities or say open others doors for you to walk into. Same was the picture for me, disappointment never looked same. It proved to be for good and I am thankful to my dear God for this and all of his other blessings.

Scented Words posted by Raheel Lakhani :: 8:09 PM :: 0 Comments:

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