lingo of my inner voice
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Birthday Special =)
A big Thankoo hai jee, to all who wished me on my birthday which includes Mom and Dad
(for yummilacious cake), Heewa
(for the first call and testimonial wish, you made my day :D.. aray wah!), Pappa and Mamma
(for the first e-card), Shazia
(for the first SMS), Kazim
(for the first scrap), Saebz, Saady, Sid, Shirazi, Punk Atif, Umema, Hamid and all those lovely people on blogsphere who are wishing me since August 1st, 2005 =P You all made this day a special and memorable experience for me. How can I forget all those bazillions of people wishing me every second one after another at the community centre.
And if you people are interested in knowing whether I got wasted on my birthday or not then read this:
Firstly at 12 AM I thanked God for all the blessings and lovely people that HE has given me from my first on this earth. I
studied till afternoon for examinations then the guyz(Asif, Bey, Hina, Sana a.k.a. nani) came to my place. Then we enjoyed a rocking celebration. Cake cutting thing was done about 5 times because they wanted to take a perfect snap duh! The next thing that I can remember is the chocolate cake that was all over my face, eww!! but it was
fun anywayz. Then we did all the masti-n-fun. They told me the whole story behind the gift selection. First they thought that they should give me a Pakistan-ka-flag or present me some hair dye but they were confused about which weird color will suit me. Then they thought to give me a baby toy but demolished the plan becasue a busy person like me never gets enough time to play with it or maybe a dictionary but that didn't seem to be a nice b'day present. Finally they decided to give me a peacock replica which opens his feathers everytime you touch it.. nice naa, simply beautiful! and then at evening you already know what happened at c. center.
Inshort mashallah se, it was nice fun day. And Mr.
Ahsun, Hoppy Budday to you too =)
Btw General Muchi jee have started to Rs. 20 note on my birthday. Lets celebrate Inflation along with my birthday.
Here are the pics..

studying on birthday.. weird haina?!

simply irresistable!

I was cutting it for the fifth time

yummy.. and why the hell you wasted that piece for my face. I would have eaten it too =P

afterall its my budday yaar :D

Hoppy Budday from Uncle Sam's best buddy - Mr. Muchi Wala
God bless, Thanks and Love ya all.
Scented Words posted by Raheel Lakhani ::
11:04 PM ::
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