lingo of my inner voice
Monday, December 11, 2006
Great Times

Today paper went awesome by the grace of God. Wrote so much, I have quality stuff, though I was not prepared that well but I had prayed to God that please just give me hints and lemme first prepare those topics which are coming in paper. And you don't even even have to Guess. Thank God. Now help in passing them with good marks. Amen.
I made a chocolate mousse some days ago, it turned out to be so yummy. Wanna have some?
Got a Sony Cybershot 3.2, woot!
Planning to go to Kara tomorrow and the days ahead Inshallah. I so love movies. Wouldn't it be great to do a six-month diploma from NCA?! Thinking about it. Lets see!
Scented Words posted by Raheel Lakhani ::
11:01 PM ::
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